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Create a new account to take advantage of the many benefits of membership:

  • Save your account information for faster checkout
  • Create and maintain an address book
  • Order tracking and order history



For your convenience, Express will save your e-mail address and password on this computer, so you don't have to sign in every time you come to the site. This means that your password will be saved until you click 'sign out', even if you disconnect from the Internet, close your browser, or turn off your computer. After 30 days however, for your security, you will automatically be logged out even if you have not clicked 'sign out'.

Please note: If you are using a public or shared computer, you should not choose the 'Remember Me' option because it will enable other users of the computer to access your information. As an added safety measure, you should always click 'sign out', which appears at the top of every screen before you leave the site.



If you have forgotten your password, visit the My Account page and click 'Forgot your password' link. If your e-mail address is currently on file, we will send you an e-mail with your password.



We recommend that you keep your password secure and not share it with anyone. If you feel your password has been compromised, you can change it anytime by logging in to your account. You may also call 1-888-EXP-1980 for further assistance.



We've made it easy for you to check the status of current orders or view details for past orders. As a registered, signed-in user, you can access your order status and history anytime you wish — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply click 'My Account', then click 'Order History'.

Previously placed an order and it's not showing up in Order History — Try tracking your order by clicking 'Order Status' (if you were not signed in when you placed your order initially, it will not display in Order History).

Orders placed over the phone will not display in Order History. Please call 1-888-EXP-1980 if you wish to check on the status of your phone order.



As a registered user, you will have the opportunity to store the names and addresses of friends and family members.

Once an address has been stored in your Address Book, you can easily review this information during the checkout process so that you never have to enter it again during checkout. You can also make changes to your Address Book at anytime when you're signed in to your account. Simply click 'My Account', and then click 'Address Book.' From this page, you can change an existing address, add a new address or remove an address (there is no limit to the number of addresses you may store in your Address Book).